Category Archives: Streets of Rage II

Streets of Rage II (Sega Mega Drive/Genesis 1992)

8We just cleared another co-op title! This time it is a Sega Mega Drive/Genesis title, and a pretty well known title too. It’s Streets of Rage II!  We have never really delved into the co-op library of the Mega Drive like we have with the SNES but we always knew that Streets of Rage II was considered a solid title. So check out what we thought of it! Whether it holds up and can compete with the many co-op beat’em ups on the SNES and if it is the co-op experience for the Mega Drive that you are looking for.This will just be the first Mega Drive co-op game that we will review in a quest to sort out what games are the best co-op experiences on the Mega Drive.

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