Category Archives: Wild Guns

Wild Guns (SNES 1994)

The wild west…and robots! Genius idea. This gallery shooter from Natsume reeled me right in with it’s concept and the four selling points on the cover. This game is “The first Sci/Fi Western” ,awesome, an “Intense shoot’em up action” , pretty awesome, it has “True arcade feel!”  awesomer! And is”2 player simultaneous” Awesomest!
Let’s see if the game lives up to the extreme expectations set by the cover.

UPDATE! It’s worth looking into the PS4 remastered edition! Wild Guna Reloaded. It’s a bit expensive but it has an online leaderboard 2 more characters and 2 more stages! The 2 new stages are only available in single player and the multiplayer has no continues so it can get pretty brutal and boring playing the 1st stage over and over again. This remake is a bit disappointing if you wanted to play the new stages in co-op.

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