Tag Archives: SNES Review

Review – Pirates of Dark Water, The (SNES 1994)

I hacked my SNES Classic! What that means is that now I can play the SNES I want with authentic controllers and in HD! That also means that this is the first review on the site that is not played on the original system, with that being said we still did not use the save function on the SNES Classic which is important especially when we are talking about a co-op beat ’em up with finite continues.
Pirates of Dark Water was developed by Sunsoft in 1994 and based on It is based on a 90’s cartoon of the same name so the setting is pretty interesting.  I was immediately optimistic about this game since I love the genre and Sunsoft has made other great games in the past like Batman and Blaster Master for the NES.
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Secret of Evermore (1995 SNES)

Yes hello, I am going to review Secret of Evermore for some reason. Secret of Evermore is a action role-playing video game for SNES made by the North American branch of Square in 1995. It came out in Europe and Australia but never saw the light of day in Japan. I wanted to play this game because it intrigued me basically being a US JRPG.

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Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Reviews: Turtles in Time vs. The Hyperstone Heist

We have been huge Turtles fans since we can remember. Whether it be the motion pictures or the original cartoon, didn’t matter, as long as it was the Turtles and we were shell shocked! We have already reviewed the game that we played the most together as kids; Teenage Mutant Hero Turtles II: The Arcade Game and obviously love it for its great beat’em up action and 2 player co-op feature. The natural thing to do was to step it up when the 16-bit systems were released and we got two more TMNT beat’em up co-op games; Turtles in Time for the SNES and The Hyperstone Heist for the Sega Mega Drive/Genesis. Here we will discuss, compare and review these two games. Let´s kick shell!

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Terranigma (1995 SNES)

Being a huge Final Fantasy and JRPG fan I was always trying to find similar games on whatever system possible. A friend of mine insisted a while back that Terranigma is the best RPG on the SNES, even better than Chrono Trigger and Final Fantasy VI (III). Well… I couldn’t believe that, at least not before I tried the game. So I tried it! And played it! In both English and Japanese, and now I am finally reviewing it 🙂

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Wild Guns (SNES 1994)

The wild west…and robots! Genius idea. This gallery shooter from Natsume reeled me right in with it’s concept and the four selling points on the cover. This game is “The first Sci/Fi Western” ,awesome, an “Intense shoot’em up action” , pretty awesome, it has “True arcade feel!”  awesomer! And is”2 player simultaneous” Awesomest!
Let’s see if the game lives up to the extreme expectations set by the cover.

UPDATE! It’s worth looking into the PS4 remastered edition! Wild Guna Reloaded. It’s a bit expensive but it has an online leaderboard 2 more characters and 2 more stages! The 2 new stages are only available in single player and the multiplayer has no continues so it can get pretty brutal and boring playing the 1st stage over and over again. This remake is a bit disappointing if you wanted to play the new stages in co-op.

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