Category Archives: Windjammers

Windjammers (Neo Geo CD 1995)

This review marks a breakthrough for the website as in this is our first Neo Geo game review. This means that eventually we will have a “Top 10 Neo Geo games” list and a lot more co-op recommendations because the Neo Geo is essentially an arcade system and the AES and CD home consoles are all arcade games on home consoles.
So yeah i got myself a Neo Geo CD. It has long loading times, not all Neo Geo games were released on the system and most games suffer from the infinite credit syndrome. Still, no one can afford the AES games and for all the games that were not released on the Neo Geo CD and/or if i feel want to have a set number of credits in some games i get the game for the Wii Virtual Console.
Windjammers (Flying Power Disc) was released in 1995 and it is a head to head pong game in a fancy suit. Great fun and a great way to break into the Neo Geo library also because the game is set for release on the PS4 with online functionality.
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